Student Op-Eds

Time to Wake Up America: Close the Gender Pay Gap

Annette Aguilera-Gonzalez ’18 – Women in Leadership Participant   The gender pay gap has lifelong financial effects. A study by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) found that the pay gap “contributes directly to women’s poverty. In 2015, 14 percent of American women ages 18–64 were living below the federal poverty level, compared with […]


Redefining Feminism: Male Participation in Women’s Rights Movement

Weiting Li ’16 – Women in Leadership Though the women’s rights movement is rising, the word “feminism” has remained controversial and often been avoided. People usually will feel uncomfortable when called feminists, because it relates to the image of alienation, separation, or even men-hatred. Emma Watson reports that she was encouraged not to use the […]


Being A Woman, Being A Lawyer, and Being Real

Maranda Moyer ’19 – Women in Leadership Participant   Take a moment and pause. Picture in your head a lawyer speaking in front of a court room. What did you see? Do you see a judge, a legal pad, a freshly ironed suit, and a strong confident lawyer?  Now focus in on the lawyer, is […]


Success from Defeat – Ellen Pao’s loss in court has not prevented her from furthering gender equality in Silicon Valley

Piper O’keefe ’17 – Women In Leadership Even today in the United States, where a woman has just declared her intention to run for president in 2016 and is already considered a frontrunner, women continue to face inequality in many different ways. This is especially seen in Silicon Valley, which contains some of the largest […]


Women in STEM

Katherine Morfill ’18 – Women in Leadership On March 23, 2015, a Google Doodle featured the 113th birthday of Emmy Noether, one of the most influential mathematicians of the past century. Born in Germany, Noether was discouraged from receiving a college-level education and from teaching at various universities. Noether overcame the obstacles associated with being […]


Who is feeling the Wage Gap?

Haya Mohanna ’17 – Women In Leadership program Fighting for women’s rights and equality has been an ongoing matter for decades. However, no one can deny that we have come a long way in promoting and implementing gender equality. For some such as Victoria Fox, CEO of LIDA and a writer for the Huffington Post, gender […]

Student Op-Eds

The Confidence Gap

Hannah Barnett ‘16  Women In Leadership A recent book emerged by Claire Shipman, a reporter for ABC News, and Katty Kay, the anchor for BBC World America, that brings into consideration a new divide amongst men and women besides that of wage. The book, The Confidence Code: The Science And Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should […]

Student Op-Eds

“It’s Not A Myth. It’s Math.” President Obama

Erin McGoldrick ’14  Women in Leadership Women on average earn 77 cents for every dollar that men make, inspiring the holiday Equal Pay Day.  This is an alarming statistic in present day America and has become a hot button topic in politics this April.  Obama recently signed two executive measures with the purpose of assisting […]

Student Op-Eds

The Paycheck Fairness Act: Blocked by Republican Senators Again

Micaela Edelson ’17 Inside Politics On April 9, 2014, the motion to reintroduce the Paycheck Fairness Act was blocked by the U.S. Senate Republicans. Two days prior, President Obama signed an executive order that would encourage federal contractors to make salary information more accessible, so women and minorities would be able to know if they […]

Student Op-Eds

Women Still Fighting for Equal Pay

Chloe Tomlinson ’15  Women In Leadership Discrimination against women in the work place is still extremely prevalent. Twelve women from Sterling Jewelers, the largest specialty retail jeweler in the United States, have come together to file a lawsuit against their employer for the gender discrimination they have suffered over the years. The women state that […]
