
Week in Review: Economists Mostly Optimistic While GDP Falls

Ben Litwin ’15 Earlier this week, it was announced that the fourth quarter of 2012 showed the first decline in the gross domestic product (GDP) since the United States began to recover from the recession in 2009.    In the end of last year, the GDP fell at an annual rate of 0.1 percent.  Now this […]

Student Op-Eds

Week in Review: The Politicizing of Benghazi

Mollie Greenwood ’13 This Tuesday’s Presidential debate proved to be a major turning point for both the Obama and Romney campaigns.  In the wake of the first debate, President Obama’s polling numbers had dropped nationwide, most importantly in swing states, whereas Romney’s campaign appeared to reenergize as Romney put a spirit behind his first debate.  The […]

Student Op-Eds

The Week in Review: Political & Economic Uncertainty

Michael Arnone ‘15 In the last few days, three separate issues have developed that have supplemented political and economic uncertainty: Wall Street has begun preparing for the potential catastrophe of the looming fiscal cliff, concerns have been raised regarding the security arrangements at the U.S. mission in Benghazi that was attacked in September, and Republicans […]

Week in Review

Election Year Issues: Iran, Jobs, and Delegate Counts

Kal Decato ‘12 The Israel-Iran dilemma: Obama’s primary objective. On Thursday, March 8, in an Investor’s Business Daily blog, Charles Krauthammer opined on President Obama’s handling of the Israel-Iran situation. The message being projected by the U.S. President is one of strong resolve for preventing Iran from going nuclear. He has stated this several times […]

Week in Review

The Week in Review: The Politics of Economics

Anna Cammisa ’13 All the major U.S. news outlets featured articles this week about the ongoing congressional battle over the extension of payroll tax cuts and Republicans’ eventual reversal of the their position on the issue. President Obama’s 2013 budget proposal was released earlier this week and has so far generated a number of varying […]

Week in Review

The Week in Review: Pessimism Lingers Despite Optimistic Reports

Melanie Rader ’13 This week Politico columnist Glenn Thrush, along with many other major news outlets, discussed the positive and negative implications of President Obama’s decision to accept the support of super PAC donations. The economy also took center stage following the jobs report released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which showed […]

Student Op-Eds

Return to the Gold Standard: a Plea for Sanity

Jay O’Connor ’12             Given the current turmoil in world financial markets regarding national debt levels, inflationary monetary policy, and the ever encroaching powers of the U.S. government in the global economic system, a drastic change is necessary. As the scope of our national government’s ability to mandate economic policy begins to far exceed the levels […]
